To create a competition, you must have enough tokens and follow these steps:

  1. Choose the game for which you want to create a competition.

  2. Go back to home page and click on competitions.

  3. Click the "Create +" icon at the top of the competition page.

  4. You'll see a "New Competition" scene with the following options:

    • Number of Rounds: Select the rounds, ranging from 1-4, where more rounds allow more players to join.

    • Competition Start Time.

    • Participation Fees: Set the amount of tokens players need to join.

    • Prize: Determine the tokens awarded to the winning player(s).

    • Automatic Acceptance and Immediate Start: Enable this for players to join without organizer approval.

    • Random Distribution: Enable this for shuffled seats when the competition start.

    • Game Chat: Enable for players to chat during the competition.

    • Game Speed.

    • Start Date: Create a competition that begins on a different date than the creation date.